Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cat Devotion!

My little stud muffin helping out...until he managed to shorten it by 3 inches...

and of course being cute <3 taking a Sunday afternoon nap.

and this little cutie's name is Lucky, or Seven as I like to call him:

the reason he got his nickname:  polydactylism

and of course my little girl Pickles!

sitting in my lap, even looked up for the photo op!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Art Installment #1. Finally.

Originally I thought this was 18x24 I think... It's really 14x17.  I started it out as a simple pencil drawing, it has ended as pencil, charcoal and faux ink wash.


I'm clearly failing at life.  All my good intentions for resolutions are shot, and big surprise I have absolutely no art to post here.  On a happier note I may soon have my very own website, when I come up with an awesometastic domain name.  I am also 1/2 designing my very first website for work, it's fun but in a way has reminded me why I didn't get into web design...because it's effin boring and not a Brenda art original.  I am also going to teach myself web coding, so maybe next time I get to totally do the web page, rather than just "make it pretty."  Or other peoples websites ^_^  Off to watch the new Sherlock Holmes movie.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Time Consuming Geekdom and Glorified Chat

     So.  I used to be a developer on this thing called IMVU.  A developer uses a program to make items, clothing, pets, furniture...etc to sell in a catalog.  I have been a member since 2006 and have over 700 items in my catalog.  I basically have been on a 2 year hiatus from this creating endeavor.  I started out my developing career as BrendaTerror, then later changed to LuceeSkyy.  I met many a great developer, who helped me out along the way and encouraged my creativity. A few of them are: PremierArchangeDeliriousn3cr0pheliaBwains - ZombieAddict, thanks so much!
     My 2 year absence was basically fueled by, striving to do my best, working my ass off to become pro and it just never happened.  Also things got to serious, and people started getting downright nasty about things.  I started developing because I like making things.  It's also something I was good at and felt acomplished after publishing some awesome sauce outfits.  Then one day I had just had enough it was no longer fun, I backed up what files I still had, and deleted Imvu and the Previewer.
     Recently I have been thinking about how much I miss developing, and have decided to once again give it a go.  So with a name change, only my old bestsellers available, and a creator rating of 2, I will be making a comeback. As soon as I remember how... LOL

Friday, January 13, 2012

No holds barred, I guess.

First and foremost:

Today was very draining... easy day but draining.  Work was insanely irritating, and I get disrespected, a lot.  It's petty shit...but people's attitudes really just make me want to hit something.  Sometimes I really just want to clock out and leave.  I don't know sometimes being there makes me want to cry, and sometimes I really DO want to wreck someone(s).  Enough bitching though, this is supposed to be a happy place with rainbows and bunnies.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I blew it up all by myself...

My very pink, very inflatable, new "gaming" chair.
A nice, "normal" picture...
possibly where things went wrong... for me and the tub...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Not A Whole Lot of Meaningfulness Today

     So my only valid thought today was about people with "pet" chickens.  I was driving by a house on 191 and there were 4 chickens just doing chicken things in the yard.  It went something like "Do people just decide hey, let's get some chickens.  They'd look great in the yard."  I don't know.
     Saving the rest of my hair project for tomorrow, and also some cat inspired art in the makings.  I've got my social networking together, now it's time to get my art on!
Goodnight All!

Project hair of course! far :-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cat, The Cocker Spaniel, and Owen Wilson's Nose.


     First and foremost I have managed to piss ass around to this point now where I don't want to do the Tae-bo.  I am so un-motivated, I can't stick to it nor do I want to.  But I have seen the results on a live person no-less, and I want that.  I need to do this.  I must get myself in check, I will start again Sunday and I WILL DO IT.  This was part of my New Years resolution and I hate myself for not having more discipline.  I WILL BUY A SCALE, and I WILL TAKE MEASUREMENTS.
     I don't know why exercise is so freaking hard for me to deal with.  I feel 100% better when I am sticking to the plan, yet I still fail miserably.  So yes I'd rather sit here, drink 8 can's of Soda,  munch out on anything sweet I possibly can, while trolling on Facebook.  *sigh*


     My cat is my baby,  he is my cat with a possibly temporary or permanent adoptive daddy...time will tell.  Anyhow if there are any brutal custody battles, the cat goes with me.  The dog stays with him.  The dog is his.

     I am absolutely positive the dog is looking for a way to off the cat.  He started off not really acknowledging the "other" 4-legged critter he was now rooming with, to blatantly going after him.  Its kind of like that Poison Ivy movie where the "friend" goes after the daughter's father, only I am the father, and the dog is the friend.  I also find myself flat out telling the dog I will never love him as much as I love the cat.  But that's just it, he isn't exactly my dog.  I don't know if that makes me a terrible human being or what but lately it's been creeping me out.  I will be petting the cat and get the total "die bitch die"  look from the dog.  This morning I wake up to find the dog staring at me from the cat's spot on the bed, and the poor cat lying on the floor staring at me with "mommy pick me up" eyes.  I do also have to point out that the cat came from a place with an anal retentive but sweet chihuahua.  The chi-wah would try to eat the cat's face if he jumped up on the bed, or couch where the chi-wah was.  So the cat is already leary of getting on the bed.  I've noticed more and more that he won't get up there if the spaniel is on the bed.  I should probably also mention that the cat's spot is on my side of the bed, where oddly enough the dog has to be as well.  Again...Poison Ivy.  It really wouldn't be so bad if I didn't think the dog was doing this stuff on purpose.  There's other little stuff to but I guess that's just feeding into my paranoia.

     I hate it.  Nuff said.

Twitter, Tweets, and Hashtags???

I've logged on to my twitter account once again.  I still don't understand, just that I get 125 characters to delve into my most insanely random thought process'.  I don't know exactly what a hashtag is, or when or how to properly use it/them.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I fear I am bad at this...

As an after thought... Is it bad that I am currently doing tae-bo and don't own a scale for weigh-in day?

Incubus VS Random Nonsense Words

I don't understand how one of my favorite bands can have so many songs that irritate me. 
1.  Are you In
2.  Megalomaniac
3.  Promises Promises
4.  Aquius something or other.... Meh!

     I spent a better part of the car ride to work thinking about how, basically Facebook ruins lives.  Not that this has stopped me from having one.  There is no better way to show that you are pissed at someone than DUN DUN DUN... de-friending them.  Or to prove that your really not having an affair with one of your oldest high school friends. 
#doesntunderstandwhysomepeopleletitgettothem  also
#doesntusetwitter  ^_^

Today at work kind of made me wish I didn't stop smoking.

On the other hand, I did get this done:

for our new website coming soon.
that is all.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Meet Marley F. Pants...and Wednesday's Creation!

     Since Christmas is not that far over, I figured I'd share this.  Although this occured while I was actually dismantling the christmas tree.  I also found a bunch more that he'd stashed under the tv stand...

Also here is the first of the artwork:
I am not sure what direction I am going with this.  Pencil and charcoal on 18x24(I think) sketchpad.  She remains unfinished because much of this weekend was spent doing "adult" things and having quality time with my Playstation 3.  I expect I will work on her this week, updates will be posted.  So far I am off to an ok start with resolution #3, and I really like how she is turning out.

xoxo B